For a very long time subsequent to Dugald Clerk's creation of the two-stroke engine, the thermal limit was the only limit, but it was enough to hold power output from such engines to extremely modest levels. Then, as now, it was primarily a limit imposed by available piston materials. Cast-iron has its advantages in terms of wear resistance, hot-strength and low thermal expansion rates, and it was used quite frequently in the low speed engines of years past. Unfortunately, iron is heavy, and heavy is the last thing you want in a piston - which in modern engines is subjected to accelerations well in excess of 100,000 ft/sec2. Aluminum, used as the primary constituent in virtually all piston alloys today, is conveniently light, but disagreeably insists on melting at much lower temperatures than that of the fire to which it is directly exposed. Moreover, it loses strength very rapidly with increases in temperature above ambient, so that piston failures do occur at crown temperatures well below the material's melting point. Finally, aluminum is a high expansion-rate metal, which makes a piston made of it a variable-clearance fit in any cylinder. But aluminum is a very light metal, and that alone was enough to recommend it for use in pistons, even though the drawbacks listed were enough to severely limit the specific power outputs attainable with two-stroke engines for a long time.
Aluminum-based piston alloys improved slowly over the years, with the addition of small percentages of, say, copper, to improve their hot-strength, but it was not until means were found to add considerable amounts of silicon that large improvements were made. Today, the best piston alloys contain between 15- and 25-percent silicon, and this addition has all but transformed the “aluminum” piston. Admixtures of silicon in excess of 15-percent not only drastically reduce aluminum's expansion rate, they also affect a proportionate increase in hot-strength and improve the piston's wear-resistant properties. In all of these respects the improvement is large enough to almost exactly equal the percentage gains in horsepower during the years in which aluminum-silicon alloys have been in use. I am inclined to think that most of what we consider to be “modern” improvements in two-stroke engine design – with particular reference to expansion-chamber type exhaust systems -might have been applied as much as fifty years ago had good pistons been available. There was little point in such development work without the aluminum-silicon piston; aluminum or aluminum-copper pistons would melt at specific power outputs well below what we now consider only average.
The piston