For the Otto-cycle engine, of which the two-stroke is an example, there is a theoretical level of efficiency, in terms of converting heat into work, referred to in basic engineering texts as “air standard efficiency”. In this, it is assumed that the cylinder is filled only with dry air, and heat then added, which ignores the fact that in practice the air contains some moisture and a considerable percentage of hydrocarbon fuel. Even so, this theoretical level of efficiency, calculated against compression ratio, provides a useful yardstick against which actual efficiency can be measured - and it tells us a lot about the effects, on power output, of compression ratio. For example, at a compression ratio of 5:1, air standard efficiency is 47.5-percent, while at 10:1, it is 60.2-percent. That is, of course, a very great gain, and the consequences - measured at an engine's output shaft-are the reason for many experimenters' fixation on “raising the compression”. Certainly, increases in compression ratio, which may be accomplished simply by trimming a few thousandths of an inch from the cylinder head's lower surface, can work minor miracles with an engine's performance.
But higher compression ratios can also bring about a mechanical disaster: improvements in power gained in this manner are purchased at a disproportionate cost in peak cylinder pressure, leading to reduced bearing life and sometimes to an outright failure of a connecting rod or crankpin. Moreover, because the higher pressures are reflected in a proportionately greater side thrust at the piston, frictional losses are such that net power gains are always less than the improvement one would expect from the calculated air standard efficiency. Finally, heat flow from the combustion gases into the surrounding vessel (piston crown, cylinder head, and cylinder walls) rises increasingly sharply with compression ratio, so that a number of thermal-related problems intrude into the already complicated relationship between compression ratio and power.
The worst of these problems is the overheating of the piston crown. A too high compression ratio will raise piston crown temperatures to the point where heating of the mixture below the piston, in the crankcase, reduces the weight of the charge ultimately trapped in the cylinder during the compression stroke to such extent that net power suffers -no matter what Mr. Otto's air standard efficiency formula may say. And if the compression ratio is high enough, heat input into the piston may raise the crown temperature to the point where detonation and then pre-ignition occur. These phenomena will, in turn, very quickly further raise piston crown temperature to such extent that the piston material loses enough of its strength to yield to the gas pressure above – the piston crown then becoming either concave (which drops the compression ratio to a tolerable level) or develops a large hole (and that reduces the compression ratio to zero:zero).
Many people have encountered this last effect, and the tuner's one-time favorite ploy of “milling the head” has fallen into disrepute. But it also is possible to encounter trouble without recognizing it: There is a delicate balance between gains from increased compression ratios and losses due to increased temperatures -which appear not only at the piston's interior, but also throughout the crankcase, crankshaft, rod and all the rest of the engine's interior contacted by the air/fuel mixture. When these parts are hotter, the mixture's temperature is also raised, along with its free volume. Thus, the mixture's temperature-induced efforts to expand inevitably force part of it out the exhaust port, and as power is related very closely to the weight of the charge captured in the cylinder, this heating shows up as a power loss. The trick is to balance crankcase heating and compression ratio. There is an optimum combination for every set of conditions, but finding that optimum without heat-sensing equipment and a dynamometer is exceedingly difficult.